The Mission in Citrus thanks Walmart as they approach their seventh year anniversary. The Mission in Citrus just awarded Larry Gamble and his family, Inverness Florida Walmart and their associates, a 2015 bronze plaque for their continued help and support of homeless veterans, men, women, and children. And to many in need in Citrus County Florida.
Crystal River, Florida, August 13, 2015 (Newswire.com) - On any given day it could be delivering pizza to their veterans at the veteran's shelter, Making Christmas for kids at the homeless shelter, or bikes that mean jobs for the homeless. Larry and Walmart are always there. The award was well deserved and the Mission in Citrus was happy to be able to thank a man who Walmart and the community can be very proud of. The support of his family and associates is remarkable. He and his wife brought up their children to show the same kindness, and love that makes them so special. His giving attitude has even brushed off to his associates, who give out of their own pockets for children at Christmas.
Since 2008, Larry and Walmart have been helping the Mission in Citrus, and without their help in tough times, they would have never survived. Most people hear about all the bad gossip about Walmart, but fail to see all the good they do. Larry even participated in 17 degree weather to help them in the "Night out with the Homeless" to show support for those in need. He gives from his heart and they know it is not for the praise, as Larry is a very humble man...God truly uses him to His glory.
If we do not help them....Who Will ?
James Sleighter, Founder
Larry and Walmart are very knowledgeable when it comes to homelessness and hunger. Walmart gives millions each year to help end hunger in America. And gives grants to help the homeless and many other worthy causes. He found through experience that in rural America, a bike means a job, and has helped hundreds into the work place. He recently gave one of the female veterans a bike after she went out and found employment. She would not have been able to keep the job otherwise. Now that is sharing and caring. The Mission in Citrus kids was suffering from the heat and had nowhere to swim without transportation. Larry gave them a small pool and they were so thankful. Walmart supports his giving and his experience to know where the greatest needs are. Walmart definitely picked a winner in Larry Gamble...
The Founder of the Mission in Citrus is very grateful for all that Larry and his family. Walmart and his associates have done for him and his family. For the first five years, he did not take pay, and sometimes actually felt that he was begging to get things for his own children at Christmas. Larry knew, but never made him feel that way. Looking back over the years of all the pictures at Christmas, of his kids growing up and Larry handing them presents brought tears to his eyes. Larry’s family bringing their dogs and puppies. Larry’s wife by his side. Much better than any Kodak moments. He laughs now that his children are soon to be ten and twelve. And they now know what was done for them. Their quote...Daddy...If it's not from Wally World, it can not be any good... He is truly blessed to have such friends. Few could find better...
The Mission in Citrus has captured these moments on their U TUBE page. Mission in Citrus, as it is the best way to show people all the good being done...
To Larry Gamble and his family, Walmart and their associates. The Mission in Citrus sends you much Love and asks God to bless you always. You rock...
About the Mission in Citrus Homeless Shelters
Their Mission is to help all in need to the best of their ability. They follow the parable of the Good Samaritan, as there are no requirements for their services. They constantly reinvent the wheel, and adapt quickly to make it work in any situation. The faces of homelessness can change as well as each individual's circumstances.
Their founder became homeless himself, and found that traditional shelters were not working, and did not address the needs of the homeless, especially Veterans. This in and of itself was discouraging, as our Veterans fought for the rights of all, not just themselves. The Founder feels that no one should lose those rights by becoming homeless. Many fought and also died for freedom in America.
They work hard to provide housing and supportive services for the homeless Veterans that are the hardest to reach, including those who refuse to go into a shelter and live out in the rural wooded areas of Citrus County. The Mission also provides referrals to other community agencies, such as child care providers and legal aid.
The Mission in Citrus Inc. operates three shelters located in Crystal River, and Inverness, Florida. The Mission in Citrus strives to help all in need - regardless of their faith or lack of. It is not a requirement for any of their services. Most of their current projects concern Veterans, as they are becoming the new face of homelessness each day.